It has been a hot minute since I put pen to paper, so to speak. To be honest, once we got back into the routine of school and the Fall schedule, I became super overwhelmed and really started struggling with anxiety in a way I hadn’t for several years.

Anxiety is such an ugly beast, I’ve had my ups and downs with it since college, but also have learned really great tools along the way to help me not stay in the pit of anxiety. Typically mine rears its ugly head during seasons of change or when I’ve said yes to way too many things. My husband, Sean, is really great about helping me look at the big picture and figure out what things to prioritize, what to adjust and what I need to say no to. I’m so grateful for his perspective when I can’t see out of the pit. He’s really helped me rearrange and prioritize different responsibilities over the last few months so that I could get back to blogging regularly!

Today, I thought it would be fun to do a little life lately recap of the last few months.

Jack started first grade and has been doing SO well! He had a rough start in kindergarten, so this has been a huge blessing. He has the sweetest teacher and has really taken off this year. Korben started a 2.5 year old preschool class two days a week and is often described by his teacher as “spicy”. I don’t blame her, he’s got a very determined personality, which I know will serve him well in his life, but for now he’s just spicy.

We kicked off our MOPS group in September and can I just say, “Thank you JESUS!” I love these women fiercely and have loved the breath of fresh air that the new mamas have been to our group. I have a whole post planned about this topic, but if you are a mom to littles, I beg you to find your people. Try out a mom’s group, exercise group, bible study. A group of women that get you and can walk through life with you is truly a lifeline when you need it most!

I also started canning! There are alot of reasons behind why our family is doing this. My husband has crohns disease and we are working to create a diet for him with less artificial ingredients. Inflation has also hit Colorado really hard, about 3x more than most states so by buying in bulk and preserving food we are able to be really cognizant of where our money is being spent. It’s alot of work but it’s also really convenient. I love being able to open a jar of Taco Soup that I preserved a few weeks ago, when a weeknight is really busy or I just don’t feel like cooking!

In October, I got to take a solo trip to Texas for a High School Reunion Weekend! We don’t particularly want to go to our actual 20 year reunion next year, so instead we planned a weekend in Fredericksburg, Texas, stayed in a BEAUTIFUL Airbnb, shopped along mainstreet, ate amazing food, went to several winerys and talked and laughed WAY past our bedtimes. It was truly the BEST weekend with the best girlfriends!

I got home from my Texas Trip and jumped straight back into Mom-Mode with a field trip to the pumpkin patch with Korben’s Preschool. Honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way! I loved that I was able to spend this one-on-one time with Korben at the same pumpkin patch that I had taken Jack to when he was in Preschool.

Korben’s Preschool hosted a Dad’s Pumpkin Carving Night so while they went to that, Jack and I stayed home and carved our own pumpkin! We wrapped up October with all of the Halloween excitement of Trunk or Treat at our church and Trick or Treating in our neighborhood. I think the boys favorite part was handing out candy at our door - they were the ultimate hype-squad for every Halloween costume!


